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Treatment of dandruff and itchy scalp

Treatment of dandruff and itchy scalp

If you are suffering from an Itchy Scalp condition then you have come to the right center. We specialist in all types of itchy scalp ailments.

Itchy scalpTreatment of Itchy Scalp – after diagnosing (either on the phone or at consultation) the condition we will assess if treatment is required.

Treatment at the Center – in the more serious or chronic flaky scalp ailments it may be necessary to attend the Dr. Mozart center for treatment. Many itchy scalp conditions will cause the skin to proliferate at a much greater speed hence the treatment involved slowing this process. It is the accelerated growth rate that caused the flaky scalp (along with other factors). Treating the dry scalp involves removing the crusting and calming the underlying skin. This slowing the cell growth and removing the itch. Please note that removing the crust is a specialist skill that should not be attempted at home.
There are many itchy scalp conditions that may cause an inflamed, dry, itchy scalp. It is of the up most importance to establish a correct diagnosis before considering any form of treatment. We have outlined some of the more common diseases/ conditions that may be apparent.

Itchy Scalp Conditions/diseases

Poor hygiene may lead to an itchy scalp and possible secondary infection. The scalp in all cases needs proper cleansing and should in most cases be washed at least twice a week. The application of oils and other such items to keep the scalp moist may well exacerbate the condition. If you are in any doubt please contact the help line and you can speak to a trichologist who will advise you.

Contact Reaction – many patients who are suffering from an itchy scalp often inflamed will be a result of a contact reaction. Often due to hair dye or styling products. A contact reaction can cause severe discomfort, pain, erythema and of course irritation. You should always get a contact reaction checked out at hair loss may well follow. Please note the hair loss will not happen immediately, it will occur months later.

Scalp eczema – often causes an itchy scaly scalp. Scalp eczema’s are non contagious acute or chronic itchy scalp conditions characterised by one or more of the following: erythema (inflammation), oozing, skin thickening, formation of papules, vesicles (blisters) and crusting. Pruritis (itchy burning scalp, sometimes severe) leads to excoriation and possible bleeding. Affects all ages. Secondary infection may be present. Scalp eczema though not curable can often be successfully managed. Affected skin is susceptible to flare ups. Scalp Eczema is categorised into environmental and internal.

Scalp Psoriasis presents as a chronic inflammatory disease that causes the skin to thicken producing silver/white or yellow scales. Statistically it affects 3% approx. of the population. Scalp psoriasis shows no affiliation to gender, race or skin colour. Scalp psoriasis is not contagious but can be passed genetically. Nails may be affected (pitting or loosening).

Atopic Dermatitis – is a common condition that tends to affect children more that adults. Males and females are affected equally. The onset may be during the first few months of life presenting as weeping, crusting, and pruritic erythema on the face, genital region & scalp.

Dandruff is a popular collective name signifying a scaly flaking scalp condition. In a simple context Dandruff will allude to Pityriasis Simplex Capitis (syn. pityriasis sicca) a non-inflammatory scalp condition which presents as exfoliation of the Stratum Corneum (outer layer of epidermal cells) due to the presence of Pityrosporon Ovale.
Dandruff is common to both sexes and shows no affiliation to race or skin colour. Human skin cells are continually manufactured and shed. Clothing often assists in the shedding. Hairy skin may retain these exfoliated cells which articulate to form scales. Pruritis (itchy scalp) may be severe in some cases of dandruff.

If you would like further advice on any of the above dry and itchy scalp conditions please contact our advice line. You can speak with a trichologist direct or book a consultation!

Our Specialists

Liliya Shelementseva


Lyudmila Yurlova

Doctor of Dermacosmetology